Potency problems in men can occur at any age, not just those over 50. Every failure and violation in the sexual sphere of a man, male or gender, always entails other negative changes: there is a lack of confidence in yourself and your strength, bad mood, decreased immunity and deteriorating general health.

Let's look at the most effective ways of official and traditional medicine to restore potency in men.
Causes of decreased potency in men
As a rule, the main cause of problems in the genital area in men are diseases of the genitourinary and cardiovascular systems. Other reasons for reduced potency may be the following factors:
- endocrine disorders and imbalances in hormone production;
- bad habits;
- sedentary lifestyle and closely related congestion in the pelvis;
- excess weight;
- inflammatory processes and infections;
- unfavorable working conditions and emotional situation in the family;
- apathy, depression, bad mood;
- frequent stress;
- mental and physical overload;
- nervous system disorders;
- nutrient deficiency due to unbalanced diet;
- taking certain medications.
Bitan! Only a doctor can identify the cause of the problem in the genital area. To do this, you need to conduct an examination, do a series of tests and tests. It is very difficult to find out for yourself what exactly was the stimulus for the occurrence of the violation, and it is very difficult to choose a medicine to restore potency.
Among the most common methods of restoring male power, it is worth noting:
- restoration of potency with the help of drugs of synthetic and natural origin;
- use of folk recipes;
- other ways, including gymnastics, normalization of diet, rejection of bad habits.
Let's look at each of these ways to restore potency in detail.
Bitan! Don’t think that just one pill or your chosen folk recipe can do wonders: quickly regain potency in just a few days. This is a long process that requires a regular and integrated approach.
Even after reduction in chemistry, it is a process due to which: a particle (atom, ion or molecule) accepts one or more electrons; there is a reduction in the degree of oxidation of any atom in this particle of male potency, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, strengthen the immune system in every possible way and take other preventive measures against disorders and malfunctions in the body.
Today, there are many drugs to restore potency. All can be divided into several groups according to their activities:
- increase immunity and general body tone;
- improving blood circulation;
- relieve inflammation;
- stimulating the appearance of an erection;
- soothing and relaxing.
And by appearance, all drugs to restore potency (lat. Potentia - opportunity), in medicine - the body's ability to have sexual intercourse in men can be divided into:
- synthetic drugs;
- herbal products and dietary supplements.
All means contribute to a stronger blood flow to the penis, the appearance of an erection in the presence of external stimulation.
But each drug has its own characteristics of use, contraindications and possible side effects. It is not recommended to use such means without consulting a specialist.
To increase potency, you can also use various dietary supplements, which have a tonic and healing effect on the body, restore self-confidence and masculine strength. As with homeopathic remedies, dietary supplements have a predominantly natural composition.
Bitan! It is recommended not to take any medications or dietary supplements without consulting a specialist. Self-medication can cause deterioration of health and other negative consequences.
Folk recipes
As many years ago, today men often resort to restoring potency to folk remedies at home.
There are many recipes, but the most popular and most effective of them are:
- Use tincture or powder of ginger root. Also, this plant can be used fresh for consumption with drinks and food. Ginger root strengthens the immune system, improves circulation and metabolic processes in the living body, which has a number of properties that distinguish it from inanimate matter, including metabolism, self-preservation of its structure and organization, ability to reproduce them when, increases potency and charge of vitality.
- Eat aphrodisiacs. Regular use of such products helps to increase libido, prolong sexual intercourse and solve other problems in sex. Greens (cilantro, primrose, celery, dill), seafood, citrus fruits, honey, chicken and quail eggs, onions, garlic, mushrooms, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds are considered the best aphrodisiacs.
- Use tinctures of Eleutherococcus and ginseng. These herbs help strengthen the immune system, increase endurance and performance, eliminate the effects of stress and restore potency.
- Decoctions of medicinal herbs and herbal preparations. St. John's wort, lemon balm, hawthorn, calendula, nettle, sage, thyme and many others are good for men.
Other methods of restoring potency
Among other ways to restore potency in men, male or gender male or gender folk remedies and with the help of modern medicine, special attention should be paid to the following:
- hardening. Watering with cold water, contrast showers, sunbathing and other types of hardening have a beneficial effect on the tone of the organism. A living body that has a set of properties that distinguish it from inanimate matter, including metabolism, self-preservation of its structure and organization, ability to reproduce when, improve endurance, improve circulation, functioning of the nervous and hormonal systems, gives a charge of vitality. It is only important to remember that such training should be started gradually and taking into account your individual characteristics.
- Visit to bathrooms and saunas. The positive effect of such procedures on the human body has been known since ancient times. It must be borne in mind that visiting saunas and baths has a number of contraindications.
- Special physical exercises to restore potency. Playing sports helps a man regain shape and strength at any age. But special exercises that affect the muscles of the pelvic region also increase potency.
- Vacuum potency recovery method. This method involves the use of special devices both in the clinic and at home. But such procedures can be carried out only after consulting a doctor, because they have contraindications.
Of course, all these methods will not have the desired effect if you do not change your lifestyle and do not approach the solution of the problem in a complex way. So, in order to prevent the appearance of disorders in the body and restore male potency, experts recommend adhering to the following rules:
- reject bad habits;
- they have sex regularly
- be faithful to one partner;
- sleep at least 7-8 hours a day;
- try to avoid stress and overwork (physical and mental);
- eat a balanced diet;
- moderate exercise;
- preventive visits to the urologist and timely treatment of inflammation and infections.
As you can see, there are many ways to restore potency at home. Don't wait for sexual problems to get serious. You should always take care of your health, try to take care of your body and lead a healthy lifestyle. In that case, you will not need drugs to restore potency even in old age.
- Honey is very useful for strengthening male potency and is known as a powerful aphrodisiac. In combination with red wine, men will especially like it. It is necessary to mix wine, honey, aloe juice in a ratio of 3: 2: 1, add a little parsley seeds. Leave the resulting mixture for 12 days. Drinking carrot juice with honey and / or ginger is also effective. The triple combination - walnuts, honey and aloe - is the most effective, long-proven folk remedy for increasing erectile function. Five hundred grams of nuts should be mixed with 300 g of honey and 100 ml of aloe juice. Use the resulting mixture before meals for 30 g.
- Red wine-based syrup is very popular - a type of mulled wine for potency. To prepare this drink, it is necessary to add granulated sugar (1 tablespoon) to a mixture of dried apricots, prunes, raisins (100 g each) and spices to taste: cinnamon, cardamom or cloves. Drizzle with red wine, simmer over low heat for an hour. It is recommended to use it just before sexual intercourse or before an evening meal.
- Applications of honey contribute to the improvement of potency. Honey (200 g) diluted in one liter of warm water. A napkin soaked in such a mixture must be applied to the bottom of the penis, preferably twice a day for 10 minutes.
- A very old and forgotten remedy for prolonging an erection are mustard patches, which must be placed on the feet. But why feet? Mustard causes blood to move from the feet to the genitals and increases potency.
It should not be forgotten that many foods consumed daily contain small doses of substances that increase testosterone production, which, accordingly, improves potency. Constant presence in the diet of melons, onions, pumpkins, primroses, nuts, cottage cheese, garlic, dill and cumin will significantly enrich your sex life.
Phytotherapy and male power
To the question of how to increase the potency of folk remedies, herbal medicine gives a comprehensive answer:
- Ginseng. A decoction of the "roots of love" made at home will be no less good than various pharmaceutical preparations, which include this wonderful plant. Ginseng root (100 grams) for two days insist on 0, 5 liters of water. Then the mixture must be cooked on low heat for about four hours, gradually adding a tablespoon of honey and cinnamon. Such a decoction of 100 grams should be taken after meals.
- Thyme. Thyme infusion is much easier and faster to prepare. Chopped grass (100 grams) is insisted in 200 g of boiling water to room temperature.
- Calamus root. Calamus is recommended with low potency. You can chew small pieces of calamus root like chewing gum, but no more than three times a day. Calamus is often used as a decoration.
- Dubrovnik. Dubrovnik tincture is very popular in folk herbal medicine (5 tablespoons of grass per liter of water, leave for 2 days).
Nettle is a genus of flowering plants in the family Urticaceae. Nettle for male potency is an indispensable folk remedy, which is part of many mixtures and tinctures, which can be prepared at home.
Below are some of these compositions:
- nettle tincture in water: nettle leaves (tablespoon) in a glass of boiling water, leave for 15-25 minutes and filter. It is better to consume before meals;
- nettle for potency is often used as part of herbal preparations. For example, a collection of nettle, mint, St. John's wort and clover in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 1 insist about an hour in boiling water. Take several times a day;
- crushed nettle seeds, grape wine and the same helper honey will help increase sexual desire. Also, don’t forget the nettle leaves, a genus of flowering plants from the nettle family (Urticaceae) fresh. Eggs with nettle leaves, a genus of flowering plants from the nettle family (Urticaceae) and young onions in the form of a salad at any time of the day, will help adjust the potency (lat. Potentia - opportunity), in medicine - the body. the ability to have sexual intercourse in a loving way;
- nettle seeds with crushed banana are another option for a folk remedy to strengthen male potency.
Usually treatment with decoctions and tinctures lasts 10 to 30 days. It should be noted that when using herbal tinctures and decoctions, one should take into account the presence of allergies to certain phytotherapeutic stimulants.
Original folk remedies
- "Laurel Bath". Add the infusion of bay leaf (50 g / 1 liter of boiling water) to a bath with warm water and enjoy the procedure for about 15-30 minutes.
- "Ice compression" or "ice torture". Wrap the finely chopped ice in 5 layers of gauze. Alternately put such a compress on the neck, chest, scrotum. Hold at each point for 1 minute. Repeat 3-5 times.
At first glance, it may seem that the above recipes are not enough. No doubt, there are a lot of them, but you have to choose "your own". Often, using one of the above folk tips, you can confidently deal with male weakness and increase erectile function. An indispensable helper in achieving great potency, of course, is love. Love and male power!